Permanent window paint for commercial and residential applications
Glass and painted glass are emerging as decorating trends. Beyond trendiness, however, painted glass can be a real solution for light control, privacy and energy efficiency. Permanent window paint, like Glassprimer™ glass paint, can play an important role in all of these applications, all while looking great!
GlassPrimer™ makes permanent window paint
If you intend to paint glass, you want to use the right paint for your application. Whether you’re painting glass in a commercial space, or windows in your own home, you want to make sure that the paint looks good both now and in the future.
Using a specially engineered glass paint will produce the best results. Ordinary paints require a porous surface to cure properly. As you can see, glass isn’t a porous surface! Ordinary paint will dry onto the surface of the glass, but everyday “insults” like sunshine, humidity and mechanical contact will change the way the paint looks and performs.
Humidity can reconstitute the dried paint! Your previously dry paint can turn into a soft, sticky mess quickly when the moisture content in the air rises. Sunlight can cause paint to fade, crack and peel, leaving your glass paint project looking more than a little rough around the edges. Even mechanical contact against a painted glass surface can cause the glass to chip. Your good looking glass paint will not look so good once the paint begins to chip off.
GlassPrimer™ avoids these problems
To avoid these problems, Glassprimer™ glass paint has been specially engineered to bond permanently to the surface of the glass. By changing the surface of the glass itself, Glassprimer™ glass paint can bond to the surface, while providing a look that’s guaranteed to last for 10 years! That means you can be sure that sunlight, humidity and normal “wear and tear” won’t harm your beautiful painted glass.
Glassprimer™ glass paint is rugged enough to be used in commercial environments for signage, decoration, light control and privacy. In addition, Glassprimer™ glass paint can be tinted to match the paint palette of any major paint manufacturer. That means you can put your desired shade of latex paint on the walls and trim in your space, and perfectly matching Glassprimer™ glass paint on glass and other non-porous surfaces.
If you’d like more information about Glassprimer™ glass paint or you’d like to place an order, please visit the rest of our site.
Photo Credit: Allan Harris, via Flickr